Foreign residents of Pinoso are already 20,1% of the population
In Pinoso we live with 1,704 citizens of 56 different nationalities, according to the table sent to us by the Statistics Department of the consistory, which is taking stock of the year 2021.
They already account for 20.1% of the Pinoso population, 1.47% more than in 2020, when this figure was 18,63%.
As for their ancestry, most of them come from 25 European countries, 17 countries from the Americas, 7 Africans and as many Asian countries.
The most represented countries are the United Kingdom (835 inhabitants and 9,85%), Morocco (199 inhabitants), the Netherlands (71), Belgium (69), Romania (66), Ukraine (51) and Ecuador (41).
In addition, three new countries are added to the list: the Czech Republic (2), Zambia (1) and Japan (1).
Also note that 1 person is listed as stateless and 4 as belonging to former territories of Spanish sovereignty.
This message comes from the City Hall.