The Pinoso Municipal Council has given the green light to the municipal budgets for this financial year 2024, after initially being approved during the extraordinary plenary session held this Friday, April 19, with the favorable support of the entire Corporation -PSOE (8) , PP (3) and VOX (2) -.

The mayor of Pinoso, Lazaro Azorin, has presented a report summarizing the intentions of these budget accounts for the financial year 2024, the total amount of which 11.155.000 euros, which represents an increase of 11.3% compared to that of 2023 (when it was still 9,885,000 euros), due to the regularization of rates, as there are no changes in the expected revenues of the quarries.
“Although these are her first budgets as mayor, Silvia Verdú has known since 2011 the difficulties associated with preparing them annually, especially when it comes to budgets extended until 2022 and which have suffered a serious delay due to the increase in the cost of services such as electricity or electricity waste management,” the mayor explained.
The profit and loss account envisages a reduction in the direct and indirect tax chapters and in capital income, while there will be an increase in current transfers and especially in compensation and other income.
In the expenditure statement, the Personnel chapter continues to dominate, albeit with a reduction of 136,698 euros compared to the previous year. Yet it is the most important amount, 5,842,548.34 euros. On the other hand, the expenditure chapter on current goods and services increased by 1,376,252.97 euros. As for capital transactions, the real investment chapter includes an expenditure of EUR 87,485.45 and financial obligations remain at the same level as last year.

“Despite the budgetary constraints that await us, this government team remains committed to this municipality and to improving the quality of life of its citizens, prioritizing what must be fundamental to make Pinoso an attractive and hospitable city” , said the first mayor.
The Councilor of the Ministry of Finance, Silvia Verdú, explained that an effort has been made to adapt each of the figures to the current reality, so that our municipality can continue to function and we continue to close positively every year, eliminating any risk of debt is avoided.
Verdú believes that “they are budgets that maintain the social and political commitment of recent years, by devoting 646,057.50 euros to social services and also by considering an increase in the aid expected from other governments will be received. Also in education, to meet the needs of the municipal kindergarten La Cometa and to continue to improve the rest of the educational centers in Pinoso, for which the Generalitat will still be asked for the projects of it Edificant Plan and there is a reality that Pinoso has completed the training cycle in wines and oils at the IES José Marhuenda Prats.”
He also recalled that “this economic health achieved in recent years now allows us to work with guarantees and have a city that grows with infrastructures such as those that have become reality since 2011, such as the South-West Ring Road, the launch of the nursing home, the Cultural Center, the Casa de Don Pedro… although we must be aware that we must always work to improve every corner of the municipality.”
Opposition spokespersons Sandra Rico (VOX) and Noelia Rico (PP) have said that their political groups would support these budgets and have asked the government team to continue working to encourage the creation of new industrial land and diversify the work options that can be achieved. found in Pinoso. Both have offered to work together to bring more work to Pinoso.
In this context, the government team reminded them that this does not only depend on a municipal council, but on other administrations and the companies themselves. Moreover, they stressed that the long-awaited water should arrive as soon as possible after the transfer as it is essential for the development of the industrial and agricultural sectors. For this reason, work continues with the various administrations and with the hydrographic confederations of Júcar and Segura.
During the session, the Staff Template was also unanimously approved, under the conditions negotiated at the General Negotiating Table on April 9, 2024, including a modification/revision of the specific complement of the Local Police positions in accordance with the technical report prepared by the Organizational Development Unit of the Provincial Council of Alicante.
Verdú noted that the names of some positions have been changed to update the workforce and adapt it to reality, both in the civil service and in the workforce. He also took the opportunity to reflect that the staff stabilization process will be completed by the end of this year and an RPT can be carried out.
Both files will have to be shown to the public for 15 working days from their publication in the Official Gazette of the Province, so that any allegations that might be made before final approval can then be resolved. If there are any problems, the plenary meeting has one month to resolve them.
News comes from, Ayuntamiento de pinoso