Holy Week is the annual Christian commemoration of the Passion of Christ, that is, the entry into Jerusalem, the Last Supper, the Stations of the Cross, the death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. It begins on Palm Sunday and ends on Easter Sunday.2 Although in various places the celebration usually begins on the Friday before, that is, on the Friday of Sorrows. The date of the celebration varies: between mid-March and April.

Fasting continues until the evening of Maundy Thursday, when the Easter Triduum begins: that same day the institution of the Eucharist is celebrated at the Last Supper; on Good Friday, the crucifixion and death of the Lord, and on the night of Holy Saturday, the Easter Vigil. During Holy Week, numerous examples of popular religiosity take place around the world, centering on processions, penances, and representations of the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus.
Ritual of the Easter Week
It is a liturgical book containing the entire liturgy of Holy Week, such as: Palm Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Holy Wednesday; and where the Easter Triduum appears, which begins on Maundy Thursday with the Lord's Lord's Supper. It continues with Good Friday, where we celebrate the Passion and death of the Lord, Holy Saturday, the last day of this Easter Triduum, and Resurrection Sunday to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.
The Easter Triduum or Triduum Sacrum is a period of three days, which is the liturgical highlight of the church year. The Easter Triduum traditionally begins with the evening mass of White Thursday and runs until vespers Easter Sunday. Also Good Friday and Silent Saturday are part of it Easter Triduum.

It is a priestly Catholic book with readings and prayers typical of Holy Week
Este domingo Concentración de Bandas de la Semana Santa Pinosera
Holy Week in Pinoso will have its preludes on Sunday March 17, with the concentration of cornet and drum bands that will bring together three musical groups of the brotherhoods that pass through the streets of Pinoso.
On this occasion, the cornet and drum bands of the brotherhoods of San Pedro Apóstol, Nuestro Padre Jesús Nazareno and Santísimo Cristo de la Buena Muerte, Santo Sepulcro and Santa Mujer Verónica will participate in the event.
The bands will gather at the confluence of Rico Lucas' speed bump and move through Cánovas del Castillo to the Plaza de España where they will perform a slow march.
The event that scheduled for 6:30 p.m. in the afternoon, ends with a joint march by all groups.