The Les Coves del Pinós district already has new party representatives.
The election and coronation ceremony took place at the Barri dels Coves social club, which again remained small, to accommodate the large number of people who came to enjoy the event.
Ana Amat Algarra becomes the queen of the Barri de les Coves, while Shania Sáez Amorós and Zaira Rocamora Pérez will be her bridesmaids.
A night marked by the joy of the representatives who, from tonight, will experience nine intense days in the oldest district of our locality, and the longing for the representatives who have left their positions after twelve months there.
The three young candidates, who were very nervous, were excited to represent the neighborhood in which they had grown up.
At the time of the Queen 2022 parliaments, Nayara Pérez Calpena thanked her family for their unconditional support, and also had words of affection for her fellow queens and members of the neighborhood committee. The young woman also wanted to remember her reign and that of her companions with some images.
For her part, the councilor of Festes, Mª José Moya, congratulated the new Court of Honor and thanked the departing young women for the work done throughout the year. He also took the opportunity to invite attendees to all the events that will take place over nine days.
The mayor of Pinós, Lázaro Azorín, not only congratulated the protagonists of the night, but also had words for all the neighbors who will experience the most awaited festivities of the month of November.
The Queens and Ladies of the Pinós Fair and Festivals, the representatives of the Association of the Third Age with its president, and the councilors of the Town Hall of Pinós Silvia Verdú, Noelia Rico, Sandra Marhuenda, Sandra Rico no, they wanted to miss the event .
As usual, Margarita Pérez and Emilio Galiana were responsible for its presentation.

It was built in 1989, dug into the rock of a small hill, on the site where a drinking water tank stood from 1926 to 1974. Until then, the safe was located in a room from the 1970s, now converted into the Social Center of the Santa Catalina neighborhood.
The current hermitage houses the image of the neighborhood's patron saint, Santa Catalina, as well as that of the Risen Christ, who takes part in the last processions of the Pinosera Holy Week.
Catherine of Alexandria was a 4th century Christian martyr. His feast is celebrated on November 25. His cult spread throughout Europe from the 6th century, with an emphasis between the 10th and 12th centuries. She is included in the group of holy helpers and is invoked against sudden death. Some modern scholars believe that the legend of Catherine was probably based on the life and death of Hypatia, with reversed roles of Christians and pagans.